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16-23 Oct 1769:3193 (145)
Forty pounds reward. Baltimore Town, 16th Sept. 1769.
Broke gaol last night about eleven o'clock the following
prisoners, viz. . . [5th person:]
Robert Coale, a Negro, who pretends to be a free man, but is
the property of David Chevis of Carolina County Virginia,
whose house and property he destroyed by fire in April 1767,
for which he was sentenced to die; he broke gaol, and was
afterwards confined in Port Tobacco gaol, he has a
certificate of his freedom, signed by a certain Tomkins who
broke goal with him in Charles County, he is about 26 years
old, of a good countenance, is a very civil, handy fellow,
can wait at table, &c. plays the fiddle with his left hand,
has a remarkable large foot, he has been some time in irons
and may still carry the marks of them; he has several suits
of cloaths, particularly a brown broad cloth suit, a black
ditto, with sundry fine while linen shirts, &c.