Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1770.03.26

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Index Entry Bells, in Boston, tolled solemn peal after burial of victims of massacre 
Location Boston 
19-26 Mar 1770:361, 362 (167)
Boston. . . [aftermath of Boston Massacre, burial of victims
on Thursday:]
    On this occasion most of the shops in town were shut,
all the bells were ordered to toll a solemn peal, as were
also those of the neighbouring towns of Charlestown and
Roxbury, &c. . . [21 lines, procession, deposit bodies in
  With fire enwrapt, surcharg'd with sudden death, 
  Lo, the pois'd tube convolves it's fatal breath!
  The flying ball with heav'n-directed force, 
  Rids the free spirit of it's fallen corse.
  . . . [8 more lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1770.03.26 
Publisher Goddard, W. and B. Towne 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0033516
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