Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1770.03.26

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Index Entry Books, religious music, for sale by Crukshank and Collins 
Location Philadelphia 
19-26 Mar 1770:363 (167)
Crukshank & Collins have removed their printing-office, from
Second-street, into Third-street, a few doors below Market-
street, and opposite the workhouse, in Philadelphia: where
they have for sale, an assortment of books and stationary: 
Amongst which are, 
. . .  [6 lines]
Psalters, . . .[29 lines]
The Family Instructor, 
Watts's Psalms, Hymns, and Divine Songs.
Boston's sermons. . . [6 lines]
Psalms of David, with Dickson's annotation, 
Tate and Brady's Psalms, . . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1770.03.26 
Publisher Goddard, W. and B. Towne 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0033516
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