Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1770.10.15

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Index Entry Singing, in Philadelphia, by students for commencement 
Location Philadelphia 
8-15 Oct 1770:1513 (196)
Princetown, September 28.  On Wednesday, the 26th instant,
was held, in this place, the anniversary commencement of the
College of New-Jersey.
  After the usual procession from the College to the Church,
the business of the day was introduced with prayer by the
President, and vocal music by a select company of the
students. . . [24 lines, giving details of the orations.]
  The exercises of the forenoon concluded with an English
oration on  "The Utility of American Manufactures, "
pronounced by Mr. Frelinghuysen.  After which the students
entertained the assembly with singing.
   In the afternoon, after singing by the students, Mr.
Wilson addressed the audience . . . [58 lines]
   After prayer, by the President, the whole concluded with
vocal music, performed by the students. . . [5 lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1770.10.15 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0033546
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