Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1770.12.03

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Index Entry Bacchus and Venus [t], for sale by Sparhawk, John 
Location Philadelphia 
26 Nov-3 Dec 1770:1823 (203)
A fresh importation of books and medicines, by Captain
Sparks, from London, and to be sold by John Sparhawk, in
Water-street, near Race-street; among which are, . . . [20
School and pocket bibles, with singing psalms, in red
morocco gilt; a great variety of common prayers, from folio
to the smallest size. . . [21 lines] Captain in Love; Ovid's
Art of Love; Tutor for German Flute; Betsey Thoughtless;
Pamela; Clarissa; . . . [7 lines]  Ophelia; The Devil on
Crutches; Ditto on Two Sticks; Sterne's Sermons, 7 vols. 
British Apollo;  Athenian Oracle; . . . [3 lines]  The
Masque; Bulfinch; Lady's Polite Songster; Bacchus and Venus,
&c. . . 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1770.12.03 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0033553
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