Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1771.05.27

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Index Entry Psalm 104 [t], sung in London, at deathbed of Duke of Bedford 
Location London 
20-27 May 1771:691 (228)
London, March 25. . . The following may be depended on as a
fact.  A few hours before the D. of Bedford's death, his
Grace addressed Miss Wrottesley, who was sitting by his bed-
side, thus, "My dear Miss, you have a sweet voice, do sing
the 104th psalm to me." --The young lady complied, and the
D. joined her with fervency and seeming comfort; when she
was finished, his grace desired her to sing it again, but
she was so much affected as not to be able to go through it

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1771.05.27 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0033578
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