Citation |
13-20 Jul 1772:1063 (288)
Anecdote. Before Lord Bute was a favourite, on the death of
his father-in-law, his affairs were so embarrassed, he was
obliged to sell Caen-wood, which Lord Mansfield purchased
for a song, as Lord Bute expressed it. When Lord Bute had
got into good plight, he was very desirous of purchasing
this estate, and making a proposal to Lord Mansfield, the
latter asked him what he would give for it; to which Lord
Bute replied, "I'll give two songs and play 'Through the
Wood Laddie' upon the bagpipes myself into the bargain."
Lord Mansfield smiled, saying, "he could not part with the
house upon those conditions, as it would degrade his
Lordship into a mere minstrel, and, instead of Caen-wood, it
would certainly ever after be called Bagpiper's-Hall."