Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1772.07.20

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Index Entry At Gibson's seat, high on the breezy hill [fl] 
Location Philadelphia 
13-20 Jul 1772:1081 (288)
At Gibson's seat, high on the breezy hill, 
Wash'd by fair Schuylkill's gently swelling tides;
The social virtues fondly linger still, 
And ancient hospitality resides.
. . . [10 verses]
Around this spring the sober natives throng, 
The artless dance some sprightly female leads;
Or rests attentive to the poet's song, 
That animates the youth to virtuous deeds.
. . . [1 more verse]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1772.07.20 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0033638
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