Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1773.06.14

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Index Entry Faris, John, runaway servant, singer 
Location Baltimore Cty 
7-14 Jun 1773:833 (335)
Ran away the 30th of May last from the subscriber, living in
the Long Green, in the Forks of Gunpowder, Baltimore County,
Maryland, an Irish servant man, named, John Faris, 19 or 20
years old, 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, freckled and
pockmarked, has dark brown hair, sometimes tied behind.  He
is much addicted to strong drink, and when intoxicated he is
very talkative and brags much of his strength, activity and
courage.  He also has a propensity to singing, and
frequently displays his sing-song abilities.  He had on and
took with him . . . [8 lines, clothing, terms] twenty
shillings; if out of the county three pounds; and if out of
the province, five pounds reward, paid by [signed] Peter
Hunter, tanner and currier. . . June 9, 1773.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1773.06.14 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0033685
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