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27 Sep-4 Oct 1773:1462 (351)
The following anecdote, however singular it may appear, we
are informed is a fact: There is a Frenchman in this town
[London] who gets a genteel livelihood by teaching lap-dogs
the minuet, louvre, passepied, &c. In the course of thus
instructing a nobleman's dog, my Lord found means to
ingratiate himself with the Frenchman's wife, who is an
agreeable, pleasing Brunette. The place of rendezvous was
the husband's lodging, where my Lord frequently went under
pretence of inspecting his dog's education. It however
unluckily happened one day, while the lovers were indulging
themselves, Monsieur returned rather unexpectedly, and
bouncing into the room, addressed himself to his Lordship
with the following commination: "Ah! ha! Monseigneur, you
give me cuckold. I forgive you dis von time, but by gar,
you come encore, I will take dis little von dog by de neck,
and trow him out de fenetre." His Lordship submitted to the
threat, and the Frenchman, like a true philosopher,
continues his tutorship.