Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1775.03.18

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Index Entry Drum, in Retford, beat to drown out speeches at election rally 
Location Retford 
18 Mar 1775:941 (1/24)
London, January 5.  A letter from Retford, dated December
29, says, 
I am sorry to inform you of a terrible riot we have just had
here at our election.  Yesterday morning Captain Hanger, our
candidate, came in company with Lord Lincoln, and the two
younger sons of his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, and other
gentlemen, to canvass this borough. They had no sooner begun
than they were most rudely insulted by a party of Lord
Mountmorris's friends, who beat a drum to prevent their
addressing the freemen, threw dirt in their faces, &c. &c.
. . . [Report of the riot continues]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1775.03.18 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0033742
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