Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1776.10.15

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Index Entry Armstrong, John, runaway servant, plays fife 
Location Philadelphia 
15 Oct 1776:5141 (2/271)
Ran away the 5th of September last, an apprentice boy named
John Armstrong, but may call himself John Murray, about five
feet five inches high, by trade a woman's stuff shoemaker. 
. . . has fair hair tied behind, rocks in his walk, chews
tobacco, plays on the fife well, two of which he took with
him, being only three days at home from the camp in the
Jersies; he served as a fifer in Capt. Semple's company, . .
Whoever secures said apprentice so that his master gets him
again, shall have five shillings reward and reasonable
[signed] William Ross.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1776.10.15 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0033991
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