Citation |
5 Jul 1777:3552 (3/374)
Whereas, contrary to a resolve of the Honorable Council of
this State, dated the third instant, recommending to the
good people thereof, "to shew moderation and forbearance
toward those persons, who, either through their religious
principles, or on any other account, may not for the present
join with them in those expressions of joy; and that they
conduct themselves in a way that will do honor to
themselves, and to the great cause in which they are
engaged, " an unlawful banditti, headed by three certain
persons, who call themselves gentlemen, of this city,
attended with a band of music, did, on the evening of the
4th, assault and abuse the subscriber and his father (as
well as many others) in a most base and cowardly manner,
broke all the windows in the third story except thirteen
panes of glass, as well as those over the door.
. . . [6 lines follow on publication of names, if
retribution is not made]
[signed] Daniel Humphreys.