Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1777.12.02

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Index Entry Burden, Here we go up, of lyric [beg] Come all ye good people attend 
Location Philadelphia 
2 Dec 1777:5611, 5612 (3/427)
[Written in support of the old currency, submitted by
Tune, Come, my Kitten, my kitten, &c.
Come all ye good people attend, 
Pray hear what a newcomers offers;
I've all sorts of good things to vend, 
If you will but open your coffers.
Here we go up, up, up, 
And here we go down, down, down-e, 
Here we go backwards and forwards, 
And here we go round, round, round-e.
. . . [10 verses with burden "Here, &c." follow]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1777.12.02 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0034148
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