Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1778.04.08

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Index Entry Dellap, Samuel, sells drum heads, plays, forte piano 
Location Philadelphia 
8 Apr 1778:1532 (4/477)
Samuel Dellap has for sale, at his Book and Stationery Store
in Chestnut-Street, the corner of Third-Street, the
following articles, viz.
. . . [List of writing materials, ink, paper, playing cards]
superfine quills, pens and pen and cutteau knives, drum
. . . Vicar of Wakefield, plays, voyages and poems.  Goody
Two Shoes, 
. . . a forte piano with two stops, a chaise and harness,
and curious deceptions, &c.
. . . [3 lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1778.04.08 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0034200
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