Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1778.07.06

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Index Entry Drummers, in Monmouth, American casualties 
Location Monmouth 
6 Jul 1778:2231 (4/501)
The Honorable Henry Laurens, Esquire, President of Congress.

Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the American
Army, in the Battle of Monmouth, on the twenty-eighth day of
June, 1778.
. . . [2 lines with a list of the number killed]
Wounded. two colonels, eight captains, four first lieuts.
two second lieuts. one ensign. one adjutant, eight
serjeants, one drum, one hundred and twenty rank and file.
. . . [8 lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1778.07.06 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0034224
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