Citation - Pennsylvania Evening Post: 1778.07.16

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Index Entry Burden, Taral laddy, of lyric [beg] West of th' old Atlantic 
Location Philadelphia 
16 Jul 1778:2422 (4/505)
THE GAMESTER.  A new Song.
Tune-- A late worthy old lion, &c.
West of th' old Atlantic, firm liberty stands!
Hov'ring fame jus alighted, supported by bands
Of native free born, who loud echoing sings, 
"We'll support our just rights 'gainst tyrannic Kings."
Chorus-- Taral laddy, &c.
. . . [13 more verses with chorus]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Evening Post 
Date 1778.07.16 
Publisher Towne, Benjamin 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0034228
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