Index Entry | Actor, woman, in Paris, memorial service held by Royal Academy of Music |
Location | Paris |
Citation | PG-P.729.016 3 Apr 1729:21 (15) Paris, Dec. 21. On the 16th the Royal Academy of Musick celebrated in the Church of the Barefooted Augustines, a service for the repose of the soul of a young woman, who had been an actress of the opera. All the actors and actresses of the opera were to have sung the hymns Dies Illa and the De Profundis, but just as the musick was beginning to play, came an order from Cardinal de Noailles to forbid it. |
Generic Title | Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia |
Date | 1729.04.03 |
Publisher | Keimer, Samuel |
City, State | Philadelphia, PA |
Year | 1729 |
Bibliography | B0034745 |