Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1729.09.18

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Index Entry Singing, essay, people move by religion to, in letter on superstition 
Location London 
18 Sep 1729:21 (38)
A Second Letter on Superstition.  Gentlemen,  Whoever take a
view of the world will find that what a great part of
mankind have agreed to call religion, has been only some
outward exercises esteemed sufficient to work a
reconciliation with God:  It has moved them to build
temples, slay victims, offer up sacrifices; to fast and
feast; to petition and thank; to laugh and cry; to sing and
sigh by turns; but it has not yet been found strong enough
to induce them to break off an amour; . . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1729.09.18 
Publisher Keimer, Samuel 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0034768
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