Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1730.07.23

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Index Entry Singing, in London, at Grecian Chapel, on Good Friday 
Location London 
16-23 Jul 1730:32 (88)
London, March 28.  Yesterday being Good Friday, the same was
observed with particular solemnity at the Grecian Chapel in
Exeter Court in the Strand. . . [4 lines]  The service began
about five in the afternoon, and lasted for above three
hours, the priests all the while being imploy'd in devoutly
singing, perfuming the people with frankincense, and other
sacred offices.  At the conclusion each of the congregation
was presented with a nosegay.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1730.07.23 
Publisher Franklin, B., and H. Meredith 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1730 
Bibliography B0034818
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