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7-12 Sep 1732:32 (198)
London, June 8. The Ridotto al Fresco, or Assembly in the
Fresh Air, was opened in the gardens at Fox-hall, last night
about nine a clock. The number of nobility, gentlemen and
ladies was computed at about 2000, most of them in
masquerade habits, representing shepherds, shepherdesses,
running footmen, harlequins, scaramouches, Turks, Moors, &c.
and many of the ladies wore Councellors gowns, and others
perukes and silver-laced hats, and various sorts of caps:
The Prince of Wales was present about an hour; There was
musick, dancing, and all sorts of cold provisions, and wine
in plenty. Fifteen of the Foot-Guards stayed till about
three in the morning; however there was such a concourse of
the mob without, and such rudeness by some of them, that we
hear there will be a meeting of the Justices of the Peace of
the county of Surry, this evening, to consider of measures
for suppressing future assemblies.