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28 Jun-5 Jul 1733:11,12 (240)
[Essay on the Scolding Wife] . . . [1/2 column]
A certain French poet it seems could be so calm in the
midst of his wife's tempest, as to write the following lines
upon it. . . [19 lines, verses translated:]
He who hath not with eyes amaz'd beheld
Th' Aegean sea with foaming fury swell'd,
Raging against its banks: or with pow'r
The cracking thunder shivers some huge tow'r:
. . . [3 lines]
He soon shall hear, if to my house he comes,
The bellowing bulls, guns, hurricanes and drums,
. . . [4 more lines]
The reader perhaps will hardly believe me, if I tell him
that this is nothing by musick, and that I think 'tis pity a
man can be allow'd to keep but one instrument of it in his
house at a time; yet if there were not a law of this
province prohibiting poligamy, I should certainly be for
marrying the two girls above-mention'd, in order to compleat
my consort.
I am, Sir, yours, &c.