Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1739.11.29

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Index Entry Drum, on ship, beat to call crew together 
Location On board ship 
29 Nov 1739:12,21 (571)
Marblehead, Nov. 9.  Last Thursday in the afternoon, the
sloop Young Eagle, own'd by Mr. John Jones, Capt. Dumarsq;
commander, came to sail, having laid in the harbour some few
days to get hands to make up her full compliment to go a
privateering against the Spaniards.  By the Captain's order
she made two trips in our harbour, and she answer'd her helm
to a nicety:  But as the Captain had been inform'd that some
of the hands the night before had combin'd together to cut
the cable and go away directly to sea; he ordered all the
officers upon the Round House, called for his clerk, and
order'd him to bring up to him the articles, which being
done, he order'd the drum to beat, and every man upon deck,
which was done immediately; and the drum being silence'd, he
spoke thus to his whole company, "Gentlemen and fellow-
sailors, we are going upon a good design, not only with an
intent to get money for our selves, but to revenge the
injuries done, not only to our particular friends and
acquaintance, but also resent the infamous treatment which
our nation has for many years received from the Spaniards. .
. [26 lines, reads the Mutiny Act, asks if there are any on
board who would mutiny, three accused, to be lashed, owner
pardons and fires them, they are hissed off the ship by the
crew.]  This being done the drum was order'd to beat, then
silence was commanded, and the Captain spoke to the company.
. . [10 lines]

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1739.11.29 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0035302
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