Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1742.05.06

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Index Entry Trumpeters, in Newburg, Austrian, accompany messenger with ultimatum 
Location Newburg 
6 May 1742:23 (699)
Newburg, March 14.  A Capt. of Austrian Hussars, accompanied
with two trumpets and hussars, arrived here the 10th
instant, and demanded, that the Council of Regency should
immediately assemble; after which he declared to them, that
as the Elector Palatine had caused his troops to march
towards the Dutchy of Newburgh, to be employ'd against those
of the Queen, Count Khevenhuller look'd on this proceeding
to be contrary to the neutrality agreed upon, and therefore
demanded the contribution of 200 000 florins to be paid in
eight days, on pain of military execution.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1742.05.06 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0035429
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