Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1742.09.16

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Index Entry Trumpeter, in Piseck, messenger from Geneeral Nadasti 
Location Piseck 
16 Sep 1742:13,21 (716)
Vienna, June 12.  Relation of the taking of Piseck, June 8.
N.S. . .  [1/2 column]  General Nadasti being informed that
the enemy had left a garrison of 500 men in Piseck, he
immediately ordered the place to be invested on this side
the Watawa, and summoned it by a trumpet, who having
reported that the garrison refused to surrender to the
Hussars, the general made them alight, and posted them in
shallops that were without the town, from when they obliged
the enemy to quit the stone bridge. . . [2/3 column]
  What occasioned the precipitate retreat of the enemy from
Piseck, seems, among other things, to have been, General
Tripps's having been already sent before on the 7th to
Vodnian, with 400 Hussars and 300 Croats, with orders to
post himself on the hills of Zelebow, and to make as many
great fires as he could, and the enemy having had occasion
to send a trumpet to our army, Baronay was ordered to escort
that trumpet with his whole body, which made the enemy
believe it was the vanguard, and that our army followed; so
that being frightened by the fire they had seen, they
thought our whole army followed them. . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1742.09.16 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1742 
Bibliography B0035448
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