Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1744.08.30

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Index Entry Clock, musical, in Philadelphia, on display this week only 
Location Philadelphia 
30 Aug 1744:33 (820)
The Camera Obscura Microscope, and the Musical Clock, which
have given a general satisfaction to those gentlemen and
ladies that have already seen it, is to be seen at the usual
hours.  Price one shilling each the lowest.  My stay being
only this week.
   For the Evening Diversion.
The Clock and Camera Obscura, with the Battle of Dettingen,
and several Italian Landskips, representing armies, both
horse and foot, going through their exercise at the word of
command:  Likewise views of ships fighting at sea, with the
fish playing above the water, and variety of country dances
by figures, six or eight foot high, performed in a beautiful
manner by the Camera Obscura.  This curiosity is esteemed
one of the best pieces of the kind that ever was brought
from Italy.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1744.08.30 
Publisher Franklin, B. 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1744 
Bibliography B0035551
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