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12 Sep 1745:32 (874)
Run away from the subscriber, at the Gunpowder Ironworks,
Baltimore County, Maryland, on the 28th of August last, a
Negroe man, named Squallo, about thirty years of age, of
middle stature, born near Burlington, in the Jerseys, and
formerly belonged to Dr. Redman: He had on a light-coloured
pea jacket, lin'd with plad, a leather jockey cap, check
shirt and trowsers, and country made shoes, and has with him
a fine white shirt: He is an impudent fellow, often singing
and making a noise like a slow trumpet with his mouth: 'Tis
supposed he is gone over the bay for Kent County, and will
make for Philadelphia. Whoever secures him, so that he may
be had again, shall have forty shillings reward of the
currency where taken, paid by [signed] Stephen Onion.