Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1749.08.17

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Index Entry Hymn book, stolen by runaway named Samson 
Location Penn's Neck 
17 Aug 1749:23 (1079)
Run away on the 7th instant from Samuel Lynch, of Penn's-
Neck, in Salem county, a Negro man, named Samson, about 21
years of age, a likely fellow, middle stature, modest look,
and his hair cut short:  Had on when he went away, a white
linnen cap, a felt hat, a fine linnen shirt, and a coarse
one, a woollen coat, a linnen jacket, and a kersey one,
purple yarn stockings, and good shoes.  Whoever takes up and
secures said Negro in any goal, so as his master may have
him again, shall have thirty shillings reward, and
reasonable charges paid by [signed] Samuel Lynch.
  N.B. Said Negro can read middling well, and took with him
a hymn book, and a testament.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1749.08.17 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0035814
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