Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1750.02.13

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Index Entry Buchannan, George, owner of runaway servant named Davidson, Catherine 
Location Baltimore 
13 Feb 1750:23 (1105)
Philadelphia, February 13. 1749-50.  Run away from the
subscriber, on the the 4th instant, a convict servant woman
named Catherine Davidson (imported this voyage in the Thames
Frigate, James Dobbins, master) she was induced away by one
John Greek, an Italian or Grecian by birth, a foremastman of
the said ship, who went with her, and attired her in mens
clothes, tho' she may have womens apparrel with her:  She is
of a dark complexion, black eyes, and speaks man-like. 
Whoever secures the said woman, and brings her to the
subscriber near Baltimore town, shall have fifty shillings
reward . . . [2 lines, terms] paid by George Buchannan,
living near Baltimore.
  N.B. They are brisk persons, and sing and dance tolerable

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1750.02.13 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0035840
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