Citation |
11 Oct 1750:43 (1139)
Run away on the 6th instant, from the subscriber, near St.
George's, Newcastle county, a Negroe man, named Sam, about
30 years of age, about 6 feet high, is a likely fellow, took
with him a blue duroy coat, a brown drugget coat, with white
metal buttons, check trowsers, old leather breeches, shoes
and stockings, a fine shirt, a new raccoon hat, and an old
ditto, and has a fiddle with him. Also a Negroe woman, . .
. [3 lines] Whoever takes up said Negroes, and sends them
home, or secures them in any goal, so that the owner may
have them again, shall have three pounds reward, and
reasonable charges, paid by [signed] James James.