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3 Oct 1751:33 (1190)
Philadelphia, September 26. 1751. Run away the 16th inst.
an Irish servant lad, nam'd Alexander Steel, about 19 years
of age, was formerly a drummer in the army, and speaks good
English: Had on when he went away, a black frize jacket,
and a calicoe under jacket, regimental breeches, check
shirt, two pair worsted stockings, one a light blue colour,
half worn, and a coarse hat. He is smooth faced, has long
black hair, sometimes plaited with a black ribbon. Whoever
takes up said servant, and brings him to his masters at
Rariton, in Millcreek Hundred, Newcastle county, or secures
him, so as they may have him again, shall have forty
shillings reward, and reasonable charges, paid by us, Hugh
Kelly, Walter Thetford.