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2 Apr 1752:22 (1216)
Extract of a letter from Oswego, dated February 22, 1752.
This day John Cadogan and Michael Finn, two soldiers
belonging to Capt. Rutherford's company, who deserted this
fort with eight more, the 22d of January last, returned
here, and gave the following account, viz. That they all
travelled in company seven or eight days, towards a French
fort, called Caderaghway; and then William Burchell, the
drummer, David Ray, Timothy Sullivan and Edward Burns, were
so much fatigued and frost-bitten, that they were unable to
proceed: . . . [the others went on, running out of food,
cannibalized others in the party, return.] The same day
they reach'd the place where they left the four, and found
the drummer shot through the left breast, and his flesh
stripp'd, his legs only excepted, which they took and eat:
They supposed Ray killed the drummer, because there was a
difference betwixt them before the parting; he having
charged Ray with taking him from a garrison where he was
well treated: . . .