Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1752.05.21

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Index Entry Dancer, runaway servant named Parrott, Jacob 
Location Maryland 
21 May 1752:33 (1223)
Bohemia, Maryland, April 9. 1752.  Run away, last night,
from the subscriber, a convict servant fellow, nam'd Jacob
Parrott, born in the west of England, and bred in the family
of a gentleman in Devonshire.  He is about 22 years old, of
a fair complection, active and strong, but short for his
bulk; he is very handy at any thing, so that he may pretend
to be a groom, coachman, gardiner, barber, sawyer,
shoemaker, &c.  His apparel was a new felt hat, a new brown
and an old grey wig, a new ash colour'd duffel great coat,
with a large cape, and white metal buttons, a new darkish
grey fine kersey coat, with a small black cape, and black
button holes, with carved white metal buttons, double
breasted short brown holland jacket, with wash'd yellow
buttons, new leather breeches, two or three fine Irish
linnen shirts, white cotton stockings, and new footed grey
yarn ditto, new pumps, and large pewter buckles.  He took
with him a brown middle siz'd natural pacing horse, a good
bridle, saddle and housing, with plenty of money, which 'tis
supposed will soon be spent, he being a very drunken idle
fellow, and a lover of dancing, singing, carding, racing,
cock-fighting, &c. he will cringe to those he thinks his
superiors, but is quarrelsome and abusive to others, in
whose company he will brag, chatter, fight, curse . . . [8
lines, forty shillings reward, signed by Hugh Jones, his

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1752.05.21 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0035958
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