Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1753.02.13

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Index Entry Beals, John, teacher of German and common flute, violin, hautboy, dulcimer 
Location Philadelphia 
13 Feb 1753:31 (1260)
John Beals, net-maker, from London, at the sign of the nets
in Fourth-street, between Market-street and Chestnut-street,
hereby gives notice to gentlemen and others, that he makes
and mends, in the best manner,
  All sorts of nets, such as seines, casting nets, bolt tuck
or brail, double or single wall'd trammels, shooting bags,
hoop nets, eel nets, nets to keep flies from biting horses
in summer time, coarse and fine, &c. &c.
  N.B. The said Beals likewise carefully teaches to play on
the following instruments by note, in a plain and easy
manner, viz.  the violin, hautboy, German and common flute,
and dulcimer.  Those that do not incline to come to his
house, will be attended at their lodgings.  He also provides
musick for balls or other entertainments. 

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1753.02.13 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1753 
Bibliography B0035995
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