Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1754.05.09

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Index Entry Coe, Robert, teacher of German flute, invented new mouthpiece 
Location Philadelphia 
9 May 1754:63 (1324)
This is to give notice, that at the school-house next door
to the widow Bittle's, in Strawberry-alley, the subscriber
purposes, after the hour of five in the afternoon, to teach
on that agreeable instrument the German flute, by an easy
method; and as some gentlemen are afraid to undertake it by
reason of its taking more wind than they think they can well
spare, the subscriber has invented a mouth-piece, made
either of tin or silver, and does not in the least alter the
tone of the flute, but does the same as if blown by the
nicest lip.  Any gentleman inclining to learn, may, by
paying fifteen shillings entrance, and fifteen shillings per
  *** Also the subscriber carefully teaches, reading
grammatically, the various hands in writing, and vulgar and
decimal arithmetick; those that are pleased to favour him
with their children, may depend upon his care and diligence
in teaching and bringing them forward in their learning.
[signed] Robert Coe.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1754.05.09 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0036059
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