Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1755.05.29

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Index Entry Carter, Philip, runaway servant, plays drum 
Location Berks County 
29 May 1755:33 (1379)
Run away from the subscriber, living in the town of Reading,
in Berks county, on the 22d inst. an Irish servant man,
named Philip Carter, near 30 years of age, about 5 feet 10
inches high:  Had on when he went away, an old green damask
jacket, coarse trowsers, new shoes, with brass buckles, an
ozenbrigs shirt and a felt hat; he wears his own hair, and a
black ribbon about his neck; he took with him an old pair of
pumps, and a white shirt.  He was lately employed by Captain
Staats Long Morris, in several parts of this province, as a
drummer, having formerly served as such in the army; his
wife having absconded a few days before, 'tis supposed he
has taken her with him:  She is a thick, short Irish woman,
about 22 years of age, indifferently clothed, and has with
her a child, about 6 weeks old.  Whoever takes up the said
servant man, and secures him, so as his master may have him
again, shall have four pounds reward, and reasonable
charges, paid by me [signed] George Douglass.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1755.05.29 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0036114
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