Citation |
29 Dec 1757:11,12,13,21,22 (1514)
[In An Act for Establishing a Militia in this Government by
desire of the Assembly of the Counties of New-Castle, Kent
and Sussex, on Delaware. Near end of second column:]
And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,
that the firing four muskets successively and distinctly,
and the beating of a drum, or the firing two great guns, at
four minutes distance of time, and the beating of a drum,
shall be the signals of, and be deemed and taken to be an
alarm. . .
[Near bottom of third column:] And be it further enacted,
that the several treasurers of the respective counties in
this Government shall, at the publick expence, provide for
each company in the said counties, not already furnished or
provided therewith, one good drum, a pair of colours, and
two halberts; . . .