Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1758.11.02

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Index Entry Cummins, James, owner of runaway servant named Williams, John, flutist 
Location Bucks County 
2 Nov 1758:43 (1558)
Bucks County, October 15, 1758.  Went away from the house of
James Cummins (innkeeper) an English man, named John
Williams, about five feet five inches high:  Had on when he
went away, a dark coloured coat, a white flannel jacket, and
black buckskin breeches; he is very much pock-marked, has
short black hair, is about 26 years of age.  Stole away, one
large red great coat, two shirts, and three pair of
stockings, and one flute. . . [terms, thirty shillings
reward, signed] James Cummins, innkeeper.
  N.B. It is supposed he has gone towards Maryland, and
travels by a discharge from Colonel Gage's Regiment.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1758.11.02 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1758 
Bibliography B0036294
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