Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1759.12.27

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Index Entry Bells, in Philadelphia, in experiment, rung by electrical pulse 
Location Philadelphia 
27 Dec 1759:11,12 (1618)
Philadelphia, December 28, 1758.  For the entertainment of
the curious, 
It proposed to exhibit, on Wednesday and Thursday next, in
the apparatus room in the college, a course of experiments
in that curious and entertaining branch of natural
philosophy, called electricity.
  To be accompanied with lectures on the nature and
properties of the electric fire.  by Ebenezer Kinnersley,
M.A. Professor of English and Oratory, in the College and
Academy of Philadelphia. . . [1 1/4 column: 2 lectures with
26 and 23 experiments respectively.  Number 25 in the first
lecture is] Eight musical bells rung by an electrified phial
of water.  [Number 22 in the second lecture is:]  A curious
machine put in motion by lightening, and playing variety of
tunes on eight musical bells.
. . . [5 lines] The lecture to begin each day precisely at
eleven a clock in the forenoon.  Tickets to be had at the at
Mr. Kinnersley's house, in Market-street and at the London
Coffee-house.  Price half-a-dollar for each lecture.
   N.B.  The course is to be exhibited again on Friday and

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1759.12.27 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0036354
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