Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1761.02.12

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Index Entry French horn, on Cornelian seal, carried by runaway John Young 
Location York 
12 Feb 1761:41 (1677)
Philadelphia, January 29, 1761.  Ten Pounds Reward.  Whereas
a certain John Young, about six months ago, came to York-
Town, with his wife and child, and there set up the business
of a barber and peruke-maker:  About the middle of this
month, January, he proposed going to Philadelphia, about
some business; and some people entrusted him with money to
carry to Lancaster and Philadelphia; from others he borrowed
money, and obtained goods by false tokens, and to others he
is indebted.  Furnished (by fraud) with cash and
necessaries, he run away on the 17th instant, and left his
wife and child.  He was born in England, says he served his
time in London; is about 5 feet 6 inches high; 24 years of
age, of a brown complexion, squints, has a mark on his
forehead, occasioned by a wound; has lost a joint off the
middle finger of his right hand; wore his hair, but it is
probable he will cut it off, and wear a new dark cut wig,
which he took with him: Had on when he went away. . . [4
lines]  Had with him a new silver watch, the maker's name
supposed to be Reynolds, of London; a green plate, silk
string, a Cornelian seal, set in silver, in the form of a
French horn.  He was formerly a soldier in the first
battalion of the Royal American Regiment, in Captain
Slosser's company, and in that time was employed as a
surgeon's waiting-man; carried with him his discharge,
signed by Colonel Bouquet; has been at Ticonderoga and
Pittsburgh, and is acquainted at all the posts between those
two places.  It is supposed he is gone to New-York, in order
to ship himself for England.  Whoever secures the said John
Young, in any goal, so that the people whom he has injured
may have him again, shall have ten pounds reward, paid by
[signed] John Cameron, at Lancaster; or George Stevenson, at

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1761.02.12 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0036413
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