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16 Jul 1761:31 (1699)
This day is published, An enquiry into the value of Canada
and Guadaloupe. . . [7 lines] Sold by James Rivington
bookseller and stationer, at the corner of Market-street and
Front-street. . . where may be had, a translation of Turpin
on the Art of War. . . [6 lines, other books] The History
of the British Stage. The History of the War in India. The
Fair Circassian, with a vast variety of the best plays. . .
[2 lines]
This day is published (price 2s. 6d.) a new play, called,
The Jealous Wife; by one of the most ingenious writers of
the age, George Coleman, Esq; author of that justly
celebrated work, The Connoisseur. This comedy is founded
upon the circumstance of Sophia's Flight to Lady Bellaston,
in Tom Jones; Character, incident, conduct and sentiment,
exist in every page. It has run thro' 3 editions in 3
weeks, and is esteemed the best dramatic piece exhibited on
the stage, since Dr. Hoadley's Suspicious Husband.
Sold by James Rivington, bookseller and stationer, . . .
Where may also be had, 100 different sorts of comedies and
tragedies; and the greatest variety of books and stationary
wares, wholesale and retail. Country shopkeepers will be
served upon the most reasonable terms. A compleat set of
London magazines, from its first appearance 1732, to the
present time, in 29 volumes. . . [4 lines]