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1 Apr 1762:42 (1736)
[Woodcut of crown on cushion] At Blanch White's Upholstery
Ware-House, the Crown and Cushion, a large assortment of
paper hangings, lately imported, of the newest patterns;
also bedsteds and sacking bottoms, of all sorts and kinds,
ready made; mattrasses, with suitable coverings, for seamen;
with all kinds of bedding and furniture, some ironmongery,
drums, colours, and all sorts of field equipage, as usual,
&c. &c. &c.
N.B. All kinds of upholstery work done after the newest
fashions, as in London. The said Blanch White having
procured a fresh sett of hands, of which he has more than
any one in that way, is enabled to compleat the favours of
his employers with the greatest dispatch.