Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1763.06.09

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Index Entry Cudgel to Drive the Devil... [t], 2nd ed of Lawfulness...Music [t] 
Location Philadelphia 
9 Jun 1763:42 (1798)
For one groat may be had (just published by Andrew Steuart,
at the Bible-in-Hand in Second-street A Cudgel, to drive the
devil out of every Christian Place,of worship: being a
second edition ( with necessary Improvements, which now
render the sense entirely plain) of the Lawfulness,
Excellency and Advantage, of Instrumental Music,in the
public worship of God, but chiefly of Organs.
  Old Orpheus play'd so well he mov'd Old Nick!  Joe Miller.
Also just published, by said Steuart, (price nine pence) The
Propriety, Necessity and use, of Evangelical Psalms,in
Christian worship.  Delivered at a meeting of the Presbytery
of Hanover, October 6, 1762. By John Todd, A.M.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1763.06.09 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0036534
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