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21 Feb 1765:43 (1888)
This is to inform the public, that the subscriber has, by
taking pains himself, and getting information from others,
acquired the art of making the celebrated aeolian harp to
great perfection. This instrument hath long been held in
great esteem; by it the ear may be regaled with the most
dulcet and harmonious sounds, without the trouble and
expense of acquiring any knowledge in music; by placing it
in the window of a chamber or hall, with the sash a little
elevated, so that the wind may pass gently over the strings,
it emits sounds of so delicate a nature, that the most
painful headache is not offended by them, but rather lulled
and composed.---But much need not be said to recommend an
instrument, which some of the most celebrated English poets
have mentioned with so great applause, Aeolian harps at ten
shillings each, fitted for immediate use, are to be had at
the said subscriber's in Walnut-street, between Fourth and
Fifth-streets. David Lynn.