Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1765.03.14

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Index Entry Carson, Robert, singing master, opens school in Philadelphia, with White 
Location Philadelphia 
14 Mar 1765:32 (1890)
The subscribers beg leave to advertise the public, that they
have opened a school, for the instruction not only of
children, but also of young gentlemen and ladies who please
to favour them with their attendance, in that edifying part
of the pleasing science of vocal music, the branch of
psalmody, and have procured the old concert room over Mr.
William Thorne's writing school, in Vidal's Alley, for the
said purpose. They have likewise purchased a musical well-
toned organ, in order to express the proper pitch of each
note; the advantage accruing to the learners from which
method needs no recommendation.  The terms are calculated at
as low a rate as possible, and may be known by applying to
the subscribers, at the said school.  It is hoped that
general satisfaction will be given, as the greatest care and
assiduity will be observed, and due attendance by  Robert
Carson, and Thomas White.
N.B. the times for teaching children are Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings, and for instructing adult persons,
Thursday evenings.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1765.03.14 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0036626
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