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17 May 1770:41 (2160)
Sixteen dollars reward. Run away, on the 5th of April last,
from the subscriber, living in East Whiteland, Chester
county, a Negroe man, named Pedro, about 27 years of age,
about 5 feet 10 inches high, a well set, stout, active,
lively fellow, very mannerly when abroad, talks poor
English, being brought up among the Spaniards: Had on, when
he went away, a blue napt cloath coat, with yellow metal
buttons, and red lining, a calicoe jacket, a fine castor
hat, half worn, a fine white shirt, one homespun ditto, a
pair of trowsers, with a pair of good buckskin breeches
under them, brown yarn stockings, a pair of ribbed ditto,
one pair of good shoes, half soaled, a pair of plated
buckles, one silk cap, one linen ditto, ruffled, &c. But as
he is a crafty, subtle fellow, it is likely he will change
his clothes in many respects, if not his name. Whoever
takes up and secures the above Negroe, in any of his
Majesty's goals, so that his master may have him again,
shall have the above reward, and reasonable charges, paid by
[signed] Robert Powell.
N.B. All masters of vessels, and others, are forbid against
harbouring or carrying off said Negroe, at their peril.