Citation |
5 Feb 1777:31 (2502)
Return of prisoners taken at Trenton, the 26th December,
1776, by the army under the command of his Excellency
General Washington.
Regiment of Landspach. . . 6 drummers, 5 musicians, . . .
Regiment of Knyphausen, . . . 6 drummers . . .
Regiment of Rohle. . . 8 drummers, 4 musicians . . .
Total, . . . 20 drummers, 9 musicians, . . . 740 rank &
file. 918 prisoners.
Six double fortified brass three pounders, with carriages
complete. Three ammunition waggons. As many muskets,
bayonets, cartouch boxes, and swords as there are prisoners.
Twelve drums. Four colours.