Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1777.05.28

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Index Entry Drummers, in Delaware militia, pay scales established 
Location Delaware 
28 May 1777:12, 13 (2518)
Delaware State . . . a supplement to the act, intituled, "An
Act for Establishing a Militia in this State."
. . . [1 1/4 column, mostly on pay scales]
  And be it further enacted, that a drummer and fifer for
each company (if under eighteen or above fifty years of age,
and not taught at the public expence) shall be allowed, for
each day he shall be actually employed on the parade, on the
several muster days directed by the aforesaid act, the sum
of three shillings and nine-pence, to be paid as other non-
commissioned officers are, out of the Military treasury of
each county respectively. . .

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1777.05.28 
Publisher Hall and Sellers 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0037267
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