Index Entry | Playhouse, in Philadelphia, old, robbery in nearby house |
Location | Philadelphia |
Citation | PG-P.783.031 3 Sep 1783:12 (2777 Supplement) Twenty-five dollars reward. Whereas, on the 16th instant, James Henry, lately from Ireland, a man about 26 years of age, . . . [3 lines, physical description] came to the lodging of Henry Armstrong, at the house of Mr. John Barrens, nigh the Old Play-house, Philadelphia, and forged a letter in the name of said Armstrong, by which he broke open his chest and took the following articles. . . |
Generic Title | Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia |
Date | 1783.09.03 |
Publisher | Hall and Sellers |
City, State | Philadelphia, PA |
Year | 1783 |
Bibliography | B0037528 |