Citation - Providence Gazette: 1763.07.30

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Index Entry Drummers, in Havana, in procession for surrender by British to Spanish 
Location Havana 
30 Jul 1763:23, 31 (41)
Boston, August 1. . . That on Wednesday the 6th of July, at
4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Spanish guards took
possession of the Moro Castle and other fortresses together
with the city and town of Havana when the English flag was
struck and the Spanish hoisted in many places.  The British
troops marched out with music playing and drums beating,
making a grand procession, down to the water-side . . .

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1763.07.30 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0041628
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